Third Trip January, 2010 Day 7

Today was our “free” day. We had planned to stay at the hotel today and rest but Antonio mentioned that he had a friend that was a member of a big country club and that we could go swimming there and the Goddaughters jumped up and down and begged to go so… we had to stop at the store and get swim suits for some of us and Chuck and I found out that XL in Colombia is not the same as XL in the states. We had a wonderful time playing in the water and then had a really nice lunch. After lunch we walked over to the little coffee shop at the club and it soon became obvious that another providence was in the making. The friend of Sandra and Antonio that is a member of the club is in the oil and gas business here in Bogota. Allen, Antonio, David, and I were standing around talking with him and Antonio told us that he was excited about helping with the orphan ministry and especially a half-way house for the girls that have aged out of the orphanage. David, who has been desperately praying about what to do when his Goddaughter Lida ages out March 1st and has no place to go, asked about getting a job for Lida and the man, Julian, said, “No problem, I can put her to work in one of my gas stations.” David had to turn away as the tears began to flow. The rest of us knew right then that this was why we came to the club today. What a blessing that God is raising up powerful and influential people daily to help in this work! We came back to the hotel and gathered for a small Sunday service in the breakfast area. I shared from 2 Corinthians 5:14 “For Christ’s love compels us…” and talked about the fact that the motivation for this trip and for everything that we do is to be found in the truth that Christ first loved us and because of that wonderful love we can now love others. Love is the motivation. I then opened it up to testimonies and nearly every person in the room from the Goddaughters to team members shared how that love shown to the children and received from the children had impacted them this week. There were a lot of tears and we all teased about the dust and smoke in Bogota that makes us all cry all of the time. It was a precious time. Each of the Goddaughters shared their hearts with us and it was absolutely precious. After dinner we were able to video chat with Chuck’s family and my family and it was so sweet for Heidy and Ginary and Lida to get to talk to our families. Heidy and Ginary were very excited to talk to their Madrina (Godmother), there other sisters who couldn’t come, and they were very happy to meet Chuck’s family as well. We talked and laughed and joked and loved on each other. I don’t know how it could have been sweeter. Tomorrow we spend our last day at Amparo De Ninos. It is bitter/sweet as I look forward to one more day with my friends there and also one more day with my girls. Bitter because when we leave tomorrow night, I will have to leave my beautiful girls there. I have a love/hate relationship with the dirty, potholed alley that leads to the orphanage where my girls live. I love it when I arrive and I hate it when I leave. When we turn onto it upon arrival my heart rate quickens pace and I feel a surge of love and energy shoot through my chest. When we turn onto it out of the orphanage gate to leave I feel that my chest is caving in and I inwardly cry out to God in anguish that He will help me to help these children. I and my daughters have shed many tears on that road. I am praying for the day when they can come home with us forever or we can come home to them in Bogota, whichever God desires. Please continue to pray for us and thank you so much.