Third Trip January, 2010 Arrival

Two months after Orphan Sunday, we took another group to Bogota. Once again, there were many amazing providences that led up to this trip. One that especially sticks out in my mind was a prayer meeting that David Richardson, Allen Pate and myself had in my study. We had all been feeling the pressure and the spiritual warfare leading up to this trip and we agreed to meet at my place and get on our faces before God and seek His help and power. Before we began to pray, David mentioned some men that the Lord had laid on his heart regarding orphan ministry. We wrote down three names and prayed for them and for God’s leading. One of the men’s names was Chris Dinkler, a brother that we had met at Tres Dias. It was a powerful prayer meeting and afterward we dried our eyes and hugged each other goodbye. About twenty minutes later, my phone rang and it was David and his voice was shaking and he told me that just after he and Allen left my house, his phone rang and it was Chris Dinkler calling to say that for “some reason” he and his wife couldn’t quit thinking about Colombia and the orphans and that he wanted to get more information about going with us. Chris did go with us on the January trip and now he is Vice President of Orphan Hope International. Once again, God was bringing the people together to help us defend the fatherless and He was clearly showing us that we were on the right track in pursuing this vision. Hallelujah!

We made the trip in January 2010. It was a marvelous time of blessing for the orphans and for us. The following are my daily journal entries from that trip.

God’s grace was so evident today as we traversed two international airports with 17 team members and 30 checked bags of luggage most of which were filled with gifts for the children we will be ministering to this week. I praise the Lord for a very smooth arrival. The greatest excitement of the night was that the Goddaughters surprised us at the airport! We thought we were going to pick them up tomorrow but our “in country representative” Sandra had arranged for them to meet us at the airport. As we were going through the last security checkpoint my heart stopped as I looked through the plate glass and saw my precious little Heidy jumping up and down with the biggest smile you can imagine. Then I saw the rest of the girls. We burst through the doors and the hugs were on! They look so good and it was so wonderful to have 5 of my girls in one place! It was a joyous reunion to be sure. We have a very packed week and a half ahead of us and it is such a joy to know that the four Goddaughters will be with us. Tomorrow we visit an orphanage of 50 little boys called Pro Nacer. Thank you for your help in getting us here. Please keep us in your prayers.