The Dream Center V

Saturday was another thrilling day. We met in the Dream Center gym for the weekly Adopt-A-Block rally before heading out to the streets to minister to the blocks. I was amazed at how many people were there and how excited and blessed they were to be allowed to go and love on the people of L.A. What a testament to the presence of the Holy Spirit in this ministry. Jonathan, Rebekah’s boss, led the rally. It started out with 30 min. of corporate prayer. They turn down the lights in the gym and people are encouraged to pray however they feel led. Some paced, others faced the wall with their hands raised, others knelt, and others formed circles holding hands and praying in succession. Jonathan told us that the prayer time is us going to God on behalf of the people we are about to serve and then Adopt-A-Block is us going to the people on behalf of God.

After standing and praying for awhile, Rebekah came and got me and asked me to circle up and pray with her team which was going to Nickerson Gardens. I was so charged up. I acknowledged first in my prayer that transformation only comes from the Holy Spirit. We plant and water but He gives the increase. I asked God boldly to transform through us today. Transform the hearts of children and moms and dads and grandparents as we talk with them touch them and smile at them. Transform families, blocks, neighborhoods, cities, nations and the world! Let these young people praying with me be catalysts to ignite a spiritual awakening in this nations. Make our clay jars safe receptacles for Your glory so that we can carry it to the world.

We split up, Jonathan had some announcements and then we went to load up the donations and food and head out to the blocks. Rebekah’s bus had about 60 people on it headed for Nickerson Gardens (one of 15 sites being visited today), the largest projects west of the Mississippi. It was awesome! We arrived, unloaded the food, spit into groups of 3 to 4 and began to mingle with the people. We stopped at one house where a little boy who regularly comes to church with Bekah wanted us to hear him play a drum solo on buckets and pie plates. It was awesome. He has some rhythm for sure.

Next we went to a house where they were having a birthday party. They were so excited that we came. They have been inviting Rebekah for weeks and they were so “honored” that she brought her dad from Houston! Their hospitality was amazing. They served us Puerto Rican chicken and Mexican beans and pupusas. They tried to feed us cake and coke and jello too but we couldn’t eat another thing. We had fun playing with all of the neighborhood kids who just magically appeared when the candy came out. Jenny, the grandmother, asked me to pray for her daughter who is involved in the occult and drugs. The daughter asked me, “why do you people come here to the projects every week? I wouldn’t use my Saturday for that.” I told her that Jesus has put so much love in our hearts that we have to share it. She just looked at me for a long time.

Others in our team had similar experiences with other families. With us today was one group of boys from Calgary, Canada. They are a skateboard club that were on their way home from a mission trip building houses in Mexico and stopped off to participate in Adopt-A-Block here in L.A. before continuing their journey back home to Canada. They ended up spring cleaning one ladies whole house. What a blessing. On the way back to the Dream Center I “just happened” to sit by Josh, the leading chaperone of the skaters. He and his wife have 5 children 7 years old and under and they are trying to raise them up to serve the Lord. I smiled and told him that my wife and I have 5 kids 7 and under once upon a time who, by the grace of God, have grown up to make me very proud and that is why I am here at the Dream Center is to visit one of my daughters. I pointed her out and he said, “Oh, she’s the leader of this site, right?” “You must be very happy to see your daughter serving in a ministry like this.” I assured him I was and that if he and his wife just stayed faithful to pursuing Christ and discipling their children in the things of God that I could assure him that there was a marvelous God-adventure ahead for them. He was so encouraged and thanked me for sharing with him and thanked God for sitting me next to him on the bus. It was sweet.

After we got back Rebekah walked me all over Hollywood and we enjoyed a fun evening. Following her up and down the hills of this town on foot all week has sure put me back into shape. I hope I keep it up when I get back home.