My Miracle


“Rebekah, will you go and work with me in Liberia?” asked my sister Mercy. For you to understand why this was a miraculous answer to my and my family’s many prayers, I must tell you the whole story.


n811950234_7664418_3856614 Mercy came to us through an email in 2008 asking us to help a 13-year-old orphan girl from Liberia, Africa who weighed 48 lbs., was dying, and needed a life-saving surgery. Three years before when she was 10-years-old Mercy had accidentally ingested lye, a colorless, odorless chemical also called caustic soda which is used to process rubber from the rubber trees on the plantation where Mercy grew up. Her esophagus was destroyed and she had lain in a hospital and eventually an orphanage for 3 years begging God and her caretakers to let her die.


Over the next several months we helped Mercy through the surgery and recovery and eventually the people who brought her from Africa came and on July 3, 2008 literally dropped her on our doorstep.


12112167_10156246700970235_4935820337397316626_n Because of the things she suffered living through the Liberian civil war and growing up without a mother or father, she rejected our love. Mercy thought that by rejecting us, she would save herself the pain of (in her mind) our inevitable rejection of her. Mercy wanted to go back to her home and every thing she knew before she came to the US. So after almost two years in our home she ran away from our home and we thought we had lost her for ever. One Christmas without her I remember wanting to be happy that our family was together but feeling the awful pain of not having Mercy there. I remember it felt like my entire being was crying out to God; asking Him to please bring my sister back to our family.


One day after more than a year of not hearing from her or knowing where she was, Mercy called my dad out of the blue. I don’t think there was ever more excitement in my heart than when I saw her the first time after that. We’ve had our ups and downs since then but we are now family.


12144955_10156222985980235_4530119584391343686_n So to shorten the rest of the story. Last year a pastor from Liberia called my dad out of the blue to ask him to preach a crusade last October. Through more miracles and crazy stories, Mercy was able to go with my dad to Liberia for the first time since her adoption. She had a very tearful reunion with her biological family and her heart was renewed with a desire to help the people of Liberia.


After they retuned my dad was able to raise enough money to buy land for an orphanage and school to support the children of Liberia. We have chosen the name Mercy’s House because of the miracle she is and we are praying to be a vehicle for God to preform miracles in the lives of many other children.


After they retuned my dad was able to raise enough money to buy land for an orphanage and school to support the children of Liberia. We have chosen the name Mercy’s House because of the miracle she is and we are praying to be a vehicle for God to preform miracles in the lives of many other children.

[quote] “You have shown me the way of life. In Your presence is fulness of JOY and at Your right hand is pleasure evermore.” Psalm 16:11[/quote]

Love, Rebekah Bullen

At Large Missionary

Mission Critical International


Photos of Rebekah’s Ministry


Rebekah depends on the donations of big-hearted people like you to continue the amazing work she is doing around the world.


If you would like to help Rebekah you can mail a check to:


Mission Critical International

301 Pruitt Rd #1030

Spring, TX 77380


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100% of your gift will go to support Rebekah’s missionary work around the world.