Such As These

IMG_2328On Pastor Timothy’s recent visit he brought a children’s Bible for me to read to and with the children.


I have never see anyone as exited about having a Bible as these children were.


With the limited English they know they couldn’t understand the New Testaments we had given them but they still wanted me to read the Bible to them.


IMG_2329So now having a Bible they can understand and with pictures of the stories is the best gift they could have been given. It is also a great blessing for Patricia and Kennedy who are able to read the Bible for themselves. All of the children here are so enthusiastic about learning anything about Jesus and the Bible. They ask me every day to read the Bible for them and to sing a worship song with them. Even though they can’t always understand the words I am singing they still want me to sing about Jesus with them.


IMG_2327I have taught them the song Here I am to Worship and they know Open the Eyes of My Heart, so anytime they are playing or walking home from school I hear them singing to the top of their voices.


There is nothing like hearing children worship God with innocent and pure faith.


IMG_2326I am reminded of Mark 10:14, Jesus said to them, “permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”


I want nothing more then to encourage and strengthen that child like faith in the children here at Project Samuel.


Love, Rebekah Bullen