Quest to know Him

Well as you all can see I have made some changes to me blog. 🙂 I am going to LA at the end of September but my sisters are not abel or ready at this time to come with me but I know that God has given me this incredible opportunity to serve Him and share His father’s heart to those that are hurting in Inner-City LA. The passoin of my heart is to know my Savior for who He really is, not who everyone say He is, but that I would know for myself who Jesus is. So that consuming desire sent me on a quest to know Jesus’s heart. To know someone you must find out what they are passionate about and what they spend their time doing. My first glimpse of the true Jesus of the Bible was through missionary biographies and reading the Gospels and Acts. I found that Jesus’s passion was for people. He gave up everything we call dear and spent His hole life serving and loving others. But my first experience of Jesus’s heart was on my first mission trip to Colombia, it was the first time I was abel to know Jesus’s love for the broken hearted and know He was hurting over their pain. I had read about it in those Missionary biographies but now I was the one cry with them and knowing Jesus was crying through me. I am now hook was my Dad would say 🙂 and loving every minute of being Jesus’s hands and feet.