Passion: People (Part 2)

Passion For People Continues With Feeling

In my last post we looked at how Jesus passion began with seeing. The next thing we see in the life of Jesus is that His “seeing” resulted in feeling. He didn’t just see and then remain unmoved and untouched by what He saw. Here are a few places where the scriptures give us insight into the heart of Jesus.

Matt 8:9 He marveled

Matt 9:36 He felt compassion for them

Matt 15:32 “I feel compassion for the people

Matt. 20:34 Moved with compassion, Jesus

Matt 26:38 “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death

Mark 1:41 Moved with compassion, Jesus

Mark 3:5 After looking around at them with anger,

Mark 3:5 grieved at their hardness of heart,

Mark 6:34 He saw a large crowd, and He felt compassion

Mark 8:12 Sighing deeply in His spirit

Mark 10:13 He was indignant and said to them

Mark 10:21 Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him

Luke 7:8 He marveled at him,

Luke 10:21 He rejoiced greatly

Luke 22:44 And being in agony

Luke 22:44 He was praying very fervently;

John 11:33 He was deeply moved in spirit and was troubled,

John 11:35 Jesus wept

John 11:38 So Jesus, again being deeply moved within,

John 13:21 He became troubled in spirit

The Lord Jesus Christ was the opposite of apathetic! He not only saw, He felt strongly about the needs of the people around Him. This was not a man who was afraid of passion in His ministry! His fervor was so great that those around Him noticed it enough to comment on it when they wrote their gospel accounts long after the events had actually taken place.

Yet in religious films today, Jesus is nearly always depicted only as meek and quiet and He seems to be moving in slow motion. One person has pointed out that if you look closely, Jesus never blinks, He never cries, He never gets angry, He never smiles in these movies. The cinema version of Jesus is not the Bible version.

Jesus was a man who felt deeply and expressed His feelings openly. If Jesus was walking the earth today many churches and Christians would consider Him fanatical, unstable, crazy, or worse, just as they did in His own day.

Mark 3:21-22 When His own people heard of this, they went out to take custody of Him; for they were saying, “He has lost His senses.” the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons.”

I believe that we should be worried about the authenticity of our conversion if we can preach about, sing about, and believe in things such as heaven and hell, sin and death, poverty and disease, Satan and evil without becoming passionate about it. If we can look around at the suffering in our world and not be torn up about it, if we can read about human trafficking and not weep, if we can see pictures of hungry orphans around the world and not be moved to give and/or go, does the Jesus of the Bible really live inside of us? Because when He saw, He was “moved with compassion.”

An 18 year old girl who my family is ministering to recently sent me this message that touches perfectly upon this subject with a boldness that is refreshing…

“We call ourselves Christians…We profess to know Christ…What then is wrong in churches today? What causes such turmoil…such overthrow of harmony…such strife and malice…? What is it that is the deciding factor of the prosperity of the Church today as we know it? It is simply this: If we want to allow pharisees to lurk in the dark corners of the church and sulk in the shadowed pews…we should quit calling ourselves “Christians”…it is at this miserable point that we should give up…we cannot allow apathy to poison our churches…for by simple inaction on our part, we petition satan to come sit on our doorstep…we plead with him to make himself at home in our god-forsaken churches…we unashamedly invite him to join in our “worship”…by our apathy…we call down the wrath of God…”For you were neither hot, nor cold, but lukewarm…therefore I shall spew you out of my mouth, saith the Lord”…Look around you friends…are you beckoning the Lord’s anger? Can you in good faith call yourself a “Christian”? Do you have a zeal for God that consumes you…this is where I want to be…I want to be so consumed with Christ that it would appear that our candles are melting into one…our hearts kindled together into one flame…This is the vision…who will pursue it?”

Lord, help us to feel like Jesus!