
I’d like to give a general idea of where we are at currently. We are in the process of sending in applications and getting a support system going. When we get further along in the application process we will have a better idea about when we will leave. Right now we are hoping and praying it will be early September. So what about needs? 1. The Dream Center asks 1,500$ for each volunteer that comes and stays with them for eight to twelve months. 2. We will need money for plane tickets when it comes time to go. 3. The Dream Center also recommends we have financial support while we are there of 100$ per person a month for basic necessities. These are the major needs that we ask for prayer about. We also have some minor needs such as clothing and possibly a small fridge and microwave for our living arrangements. All together I think we are looking toward raising 8,000$. We don’t know yet how God is going to meet these needs but we are praying and moving ahead one step at a time. We thank everyone for their support and are excited to watch God move!