Fourth Trip April, 2010 Day 1

When I awoke this morning and realized that my wife and I were staying at a nice country club in beautiful Colombia with our two sweet Goddaughters and that we were going to be here for 5 days just hanging out, eating, swimming, and many other activities, I had to pinch myself twice. God is good. We went to breakfast and I wish I could show you the sweet photos of the girls hugging and holding on to Lisa but alas it is illegal to post on the internet pictures of Colombian orphans. In all of my visits here and all of my time with my Goddaughters I have never been able to sit down with them with a translator and just talk. I speak some Spanish but we have to limit our conversations to easy stuff that I can understand. This morning however I was able to sit down with Heidy and our sweet translator Alexandra and have a real Father/Daughter talk about some personal hurts and struggles that Heidy was going through and I was so blessed to listen to her heart and to share my heart and we cried together. She was just sure that when I knew her a little of her story that I would not want her anymore for a daughter. I was able to assure her that I loved her not for what had or hadn’t happened to her or not or what she had or hadn’t done but because I chose to place my love upon her and to commit myself and everything I have and everything I am to being her Papi. And then I was able to tell her again about her Heavenly Father Who taught me how to love like this and about His extravagant love for us. It was the sweetest time. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and enjoying being a family. I will never get over hearing their little cute voices calling to Lisa and saying, “Mami, benga” or “Mami, mida” (Mom, come here or Mom, look). It was a treasure of Grace that I could never have imagined in a thousand years. God had to think up such a precious gift and dump it on me. Thank you Lord.