Fifth Trip June, 2010 Day 4

The butterflies were swarming in my stomach this morning when I awoke because I knew I would see my sweet Colombian daughters today. We had our usual breakfast and then I shared in our team devotion a fourth aspect of Jesus ministry, His touch. We explored several of the places in scripture where Jesus touches men, women, children and heals them, comforts them, and blesses them. He also allows others to touch Him. When we go to Amparo De Ninas today, one of the ways that we will be able to imitate Jesus is with the hugs and kisses that these girls so desperately want and need and which we can gladly provide. We may not heal leprosy or raise the dead with our touch but we can heal hearts and bring hope to lonely souls.

The reunion with our daughters was beyond words. Their little arms around my neck and their kisses on my cheek and their “I love you Papi” were more healing for me than I can express. For me today, they were the hands and feet of Jesus. It was wonderful to see our other little friends at Amparo today and to make many new ones.

The girls had planned a really nice presentation for us and they presented each of us with a bouquet of silk flowers.

Sitting there in the presentation with little Heidy between Lisa and me, holding her little brown hand as she leaned on Lisa’s chest, I was once again amazed at how God has brought this whole Colombia connection into our lives in the last twelve months and the supernatural bond that we feel with these people. God is so good. After the presentation it was time for lunch and we enjoyed sitting around the tables as one big family.

Next it was out to the court to play some games and make bracelets and visit. It wasn’t long before we were all sitting in the shade just getting to know each other and enjoying each others company. Then it was off for a tour of the grounds and facility. We saw where they make clothes and bake and many other things. When we went into the dormitories and saw where our girls sleep it was so sweet to see their pictures of us prominently displayed.

Later there was lots of dancing and fun.

And then it was goodbye for today. But tomorrow we are going to spend the whole day together in the big beautiful city park and have a cookout so goodbyes this time were not too sad 🙂

We enjoyed a very nice dinner on top of the mountain and after a few hours of sleep, we will be ready to go again.