Feed the Children


Well I can’t believe it has been almost three weeks since my last update. It has been a little crazy at my office because Dustin is now working as the director of the Lords gym here on campus and Dave was on vacation for a week. So I had very little down time and on my down time I have been totally absorbed in this book my dad gave me called Reckless Abandon by David Sitton. Wow what a great book! David Sitton tells the story of his life as a missionary to the unreached tribes in Papua New Guinea. The part of the story that touched me the most is how no matter what danger or suffering he faced in the end he was sure of one thing JESUS IS WORTH IT! I want that passion and assurance. To know Jesus is enough for me. To want Jesus more then anything else. Well I have two experiences that I have to tell you about from the last three weeks. The first was on this Wednesday we teamed up with a ministry called Feed The Children to give out forty pounds of food per families to twelve hundred families. I could not believe the amount of food we had! The week before the event my Adopt a Block team and I had given out flier and invited people in all of the neighborhoods around the Dream Center and at many of the schools as well. We canvassed at all of our Adopt a Block sites too. The event was at two Wednesday afternoon and when I went out at nine that morning the line of people already had about two hundred people in it. We had six buses go out to pick up our families at our Adopt a Block sites. I had thirty of my families come from Nickerson Gardens. By Two o’clock we had more then twelve hundred families in line. We more then enough food to give out! The second God story is on Friday I was working with my team to bag up some fruit to give out at Adopt a Block when two ladies came up to me and asked in Spanish if I could give them any food. A lady helping us bag translated for me as one of the ladies told me that they could not make it to the food give away yesterday and hope we had some leftover food because she had no food in the house at all and she has four kids. I went with the ladies to our main office and asked them to call the food bank to ask if they could give them any food. As we waited for the food bank I tried to talk with one of the ladies with the limited Spanish I know. When to food came I was able to give them some toys and dippers for their kids as well. They hugged me and thanked me like hundred time I was almost in tears by the time their left. It is amazing to know that you get to be Jesus to someone.