Exciting Things!




Warriors of God,

I just had to drop a short note and tell you about some of the amazing things that God is doing right now at Orphan Hope International. This ministry has been a whirlwind from day one but it has now gone to hurricane force, or maybe this is tropical storm and hurricane is still coming. Yikes!

Anyway, we are very excited and awed and humbled by what the Lord is doing in all of us and through all of us.

First, we just completed our most aggressive and ambitious mission trip to date with 43 team members over a period of 10 days in country. We were able to love and share Jesus with nearly 600 orphans as well as see God further establish our connections and network there. I was blessed to chronicle our day by day experiences at my blog (www.mattbullen.blogspot.com) and I hope you can take the time to read up on all of the things God did through this trip.

Second, out of this trip came 3 young men, Matt Kamas, Frank Kyser, and Chris Poole, who were so touched by God that they have returned to the U.S. only long enough to sell everything they own and then return to Bogota to work full time. God has opened incredible doors for them. Pray for them as they work through, support, VISA, medical, and liquidation logistics and pray for us as we enter a new realm of ministry supporting and collaborating with these exciting young men. Chris has started a blog to chronicle his journey at www.theroadtobogota.blogspot.com. Read about his upcoming benefit dinner on August 20, 2011.

Third, This last Saturday, July 16, 2011, we along with our partners at Grace Fellowship, Katy brought 16 orphans from Colombia to stay with 11 host families for a three week Texas Vacation Host Program. We had 65 people at the airport to greet them including 3 news stations. View the footage at:





We have 9 public events scheduled over the next three weeks for people to come, meet the children, and get involved. Go to www.orphanhopeintl.org/events to register. We had our first public event last night at Grace Fellowship UMC in Katy and Univision, Spanish Television, showed up and did a nice piece on the program. See footage at:


I have received 25 phone calls today from Colombians living in Houston, who saw the segment, thanking us for what we are doing and asking how they can help. As I reflected on the way home last night my excitement slowly changed into a growing awe and awareness of not only what God is doing but of the largeness of the need and the largeness of the opportunity and a greater dawning realization of what God’s heart for these children is and what He may have planned for us in the very near future.

He has promised us “greater works” and He has promised to give us what we need for that work.

John 14:12-14 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

Please join us in prayer, support, and/or action as the Lord leads you.


Matt Bullen

Director/Spiritual Director

Orphan Hope International

cell: 832-359-9781


