Colombian Guests

Our family has the pleasure of hosting two Colombian officials today. We picked Sandra and Maria Elena, up at the airport this morning at 6:00 a.m. and have been shopping and eating ever since! They are in town for the weekend to meet with our ministry, Orphan Hope International, regarding this summer’s Texas Vacation Host Program where we will bring 17 Colombian orphans to stay for 3 weeks in July with 11 host families in the hope of finding a forever family. The festivities officially start tonight as we gather for dinner with the remainder of the Orphan Hope board of directors and their wives. Tomorrow we will meet with the host families and our partners for this program at Grace Fellowship UMC in Katy and then a fundraiser tomorrow night graciously sponsored and hosted by one of the vacation host families where we will give a presentation of our ministry. Sunday we meet with more families and another dinner and then Monday they return to Bogota. As we were walking around today I was thinking that if you had told me two years ago today that I would be hosting these two ladies today or be involved in all of the initiatives in Colombia that we are involved in, I wouldn’t have believed it. Thank you Lord for letting me be on your team. Greater things are yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city.