Colombia Mission Trip 1-2013 Day 6

IMG_0795Friday January 25, 2013 was another wonderful and heart wrenching day. We started the morning visiting a Christian home for pregnant and nursing mom age 11-18. All the girls (maybe 30) gathered in a meeting room with us and we made introductions and shared about our lives. I asked the girls to tell us about their dreams. Several spoke and without fail they said their dream was to give their baby the life they never had. Some of them said be a good example for their baby and others talked about finishing their education and having a career. The whole team shared about Jesus and Timothy encouraged them greatly that they can reach any dream with God as their Father. David shared how he had had a child at 16 and how hard it was and that Jesus is the only way to true happiness. Then Oscar gave each girl a salvation bracelet kit and as they made the bracelets he explained the gospel to them. Right as he started a little 5 year old girl named Carmella came over to me and she talked my ear off very quietly so as not to distract from Oscar. She was very cute and sweet. She wanted to check me all out. She touched my beard and pulled my mustache and hair and touched my glasses and zipped up my jacket and buttoned the collar snap. She hugged me and asked if I was Papa Noel (Santa Clause) all the time chattering away. Then she took my hands and put them together as if to pray and folded her tiny hands around mine and said, “pray?” And so she prayed and I prayed. Then we worked on her necklace and she said, “one for my mother?” So we made one for her mother. I could have sat there for hours talking to that sweet little child. I love this ministry. She and her mom are why Mission Critical exists. I know there are many out there just like her digging through trash to survive, washing headlights at the traffic light for money because they are too little to reach the windshield. God help us to help them.

IMG_0785The rest of the day we were blessed to see some sights downtown and have lunch with some precious orphan girls that David and Michelle have a relationship with from previous trips. It was wonderful. Then we went up to Monserrate mountain to see the sunset over the city and pray and sing “God of this city” as we always do. Paul and his friend Sal were able to join us as we’ll as our sweet driver for the week, Daisy. Pastor Timothy had the great idea of having communion on the mountain as well and had brought the elements. It was very special. We finished the night with a great meal and fellowship. Another amazing day pushing out the borders of His kingdom.

Thank you for your prayers.

Matt Bullen
