Christmas Miracles 1

December 2010 will live in my memory as the month of Christmas miracles. God showed Himself mighty in so many ways this month. It started with two officials of the Colombian government flying into Houston on December 3rd to meet and learn more about Orphan Hope International. We enjoyed 3 days of meetings and learned much about each other and how we can cooperate together to help the children of Colombia. The Holy Spirit was strongly felt in all of the meetings but it was the third day that will stand out in stark relief in my mind. We had been discussing many processes, programs and plans for our future work with orphans in Colombia when both of these officials with tears in their eyes looked at us and said, “The greatest thing that Colombia needs from Orphan Hope is the spiritual element. Luis (our Director of Operations) has been telling us how his life was changed through Tres Dias and we want you to bring that to all of our institutions in Colombia (about 30,000 children).” I felt the blood drain from my head and the hair stand up on my neck as I looked at the other board members in the room to make sure I had just hear what I had heard. Their wide tear filled eyes assured me that I had indeed heard correctly. We went on to talk about how Orphan Hope brings something that other organizations don’t bring and that is spiritual transformation through Jesus Christ. We talked about how reaching the children of Colombia with this message could ultimately impact the future of a nation and the world. It was a miracle moment and the beginning of a string of Christmas miracles that we were to enjoy as 2010 came to a close. To God be the glory!