Category Colombia April 2010

Fourth Trip April, 2010 Conclusion

Our last day here was filled with several blessings. First, to the explain the blessing at lunch on this day I need to rewind back to my second trip in September 2009 for a second. It was on this trip that I met and developed a relationship with Antonio, Sandra’s husband. He and I became close partly because of our love for the orphans and mostly because we are the two men who Heidy looks up to as Dad. She owns a big piece of Antonio’s heart as well as mine. God has used this little girl and her sweet spirit and her innocent, tender love to draw both of us into this ministry. Also, after the September trip Antonio was so moved by his time with us and the girls that he became Godfather to a precious girl named Lorena. He also fell in love with my other Goddaughter Ginary and stood with her in my place at her baptism in the fall of 2009. So God was tying more and more heart strings between he and I. As we were standing in the airport to go back to Houston from the September ’09 Padrino trip, Antonio mentioned to me that Sandra and he were thinking about starting a foundation to build a safe house and help the girls who were aging out of the orphanage. I told him that we would support and back anything they wanted to do. Sandra says that the decision to go ahead with Fundacion Tayakai was made in that conversation. Ok, fast forward to April 2010 Padrino trip again. We are all sitting at lunch talking about the newly formed Fundacion Tayakai and how we could help. Significantly, most of the current members of the board of directors and the advisory council for what is now Orphan Hope International were sitting at this lunch. As we talked a plan formed to develop a U.S. ministry to support Fundacion Tayakai (Tayakai is a native Colombian word meaning “me”) and so was born what is now Orphan Hope International. We all had witnessed the hand of God mighty upon each of us in drawing us together on that day, at that table, for those sweet children. It was a truly momentous lunch for all of us. Second, that night we all gathered in one cabin and had our closing devotion for the trip. I shared what I had been studying from the life of Jesus about how He loved and cared for the needy. We were all moved by His example. After my devotion we were each given the opportunity to share a testimony of what God was doing in our hearts on this trip. Each Padrino (Godparent) and each Ahijada (Goddaughter) shared and there was not a dry eye in the place. One of the testimonies that touched me the most was from Lida, David’s Goddaughter. She told us that she had been watching us and learning from us on the last four mission and Padrino trips that she had been on. She had seen us be the hands and feet of Jesus and she had decided that when she was grown that she wanted to give her life to orphan ministry too. Words can’t describe how smitten each of us were with her words. It was beautiful and we determined to press on. We thought that was enough supernatural working of the Holy Spirit for one day but He was not done yet. We were all getting ready to bed down when Alexandra came to the door and said that Heidy and Ginary needed their “parents.” We went to investigate and discovered that they were in a sisterly squabble and needed some parental guidance 🙂 Over the next two hours with Alex’s help we had the most precious, honest, meaningful conversation, first with Ginary alone and then with Heidy and Ginary together. It was Mom and Dad pouring their hearts out to their two daughters and their two daughters pouring their hearts out to them and to each other. It was absolutely precious and God tightened the cords of our hearts even more that night for these girls and all of the children of Colombia.

Fourth Trip April, 2010 Days 2-5

I was so engrossed with enjoying my time with my wife and Goddaughters on this trip that I didn’t write in my journal every day like I did on other trips but I will recap here. Every day except one we stayed at the club and swam, ate, talked, bowled, and generally had a marvelous time. One day we went to the mall and took the girls shopping. Lisa had a great time helping them pick out all manner of clothing articles from shoes to coats. It was so wonderful being a family. It never ceases to amaze me how universally needed and craved love is. In the next post I will share our last night together on this trip.

Fourth Trip April, 2010 Day 1

When I awoke this morning and realized that my wife and I were staying at a nice country club in beautiful Colombia with our two sweet Goddaughters and that we were going to be here for 5 days just hanging out, eating, swimming, and many other activities, I had to pinch myself twice. God is good. We went to breakfast and I wish I could show you the sweet photos of the girls hugging and holding on to Lisa but alas it is illegal to post on the internet pictures of Colombian orphans. In all of my visits here and all of my time with my Goddaughters I have never been able to sit down with them with a translator and just talk. I speak some Spanish but we have to limit our conversations to easy stuff that I can understand. This morning however I was able to sit down with Heidy and our sweet translator Alexandra and have a real Father/Daughter talk about some personal hurts and struggles that Heidy was going through and I was so blessed to listen to her heart and to share my heart and we cried together. She was just sure that when I knew her a little of her story that I would not want her anymore for a daughter. I was able to assure her that I loved her not for what had or hadn’t happened to her or not or what she had or hadn’t done but because I chose to place my love upon her and to commit myself and everything I have and everything I am to being her Papi. And then I was able to tell her again about her Heavenly Father Who taught me how to love like this and about His extravagant love for us. It was the sweetest time. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and enjoying being a family. I will never get over hearing their little cute voices calling to Lisa and saying, “Mami, benga” or “Mami, mida” (Mom, come here or Mom, look). It was a treasure of Grace that I could never have imagined in a thousand years. God had to think up such a precious gift and dump it on me. Thank you Lord.

Fourth Trip April, 2010 Preparation

So in February and March of 2010, between the third and fourth trip to Colombia, the Bullen family is in the midst of an all out war. At the same time we are working hard on the mountains of adoption paperwork, I am pastoring, Luke and my girls are leading worship, Lisa and I are counseling dozens of people, I am working 115 miles from home on a new project, I am speaking at two Tres Dias weekends, our family is ministering to these two sweet but troubled girls God has sent us, and my dear brother Chris Dinkler calls me and says, “hey we are planning a Padrino trip to Colombia in April, you and Lisa gotta come.” My heart sinks because I know that there is no way Lisa and I can go. Other than the busy schedule and huge financial struggles that we are going through, Lisa has never been to Colombia or out of the country for that matter and she has emphatically stated on multiple occasions that her entire role in this orphan ministry is to stay home and pray! Well one day a plane ticket shows up in the mail with her name on it. I thought she would be so mad but instead she strutted through the house waiving it in the air telling everyone that she was going to Colombia to see her girls! It was awesome. Now I just had to pray for my way there. We prayed and prayed and just in time the money came in for us to go with some left over to spend on the Goddaughters while we were there. I was so excited that Lisa was going to be able to meet our two sweet girls that she had heard so much about. I had now been in Colombia twice with my daughters Rebekah and Beverly and once with my daughter Brooke and now I was going to get to take my bride. What a blessing! We were delighted that our friends and fellow soldiers Curt and Tonya Currie, David Richardson and his sister, Charlotte, Chris and Julie Dinkler, Luis Escobar and Alexandra Vanegas were also attending. Lisa and I arrived at the airport about 2 hours early and we sat in the terminal and enjoyed a nice lunch. I was giddy like a little child on Christmas morning waiting for the ok to go check under the tree. On a Padrino (Godparent) trip Padrinos are able to take their children out of the orphanage and have them with them for the week. We were going to be staying at the Country Club in Madrid. We met up with our friends and flew to Bogota. After we collected our luggage we walked outside and there were Sandra and all the Goddaughters waiting for us. They jumped into our arms and there were many hugs and kisses. Heidy and Ginary presented Lisa with a beautiful colombian corsage and a sweet letter that they had written for her. Once again I discovered that there were new depths of my heart still to be touched by these wonderful children. The first time I heard Heidy call Lisa, Mami (Mommy), in her sweet little sing song voice and saw the radiant look on her face I felt as if my life and all the struggles were more than worth it. I looked up to heaven in that chilly Colombian night sky and said, “Lord, I can go to heaven now. Hearing Heidy call Lisa, Mami, is reward enough. I don’t need anything more.” I can’t explain how deeply this touched me but once again I knew that I was in the right place, doing the right thing, and that nothing short of death was going to stop me.