Brooke in Bogota

I seriously have no words to type right now, even now after two and a half weeks when I get a moment to stop and think where I am what I am doing here, it blows my mind. I am so blessed to just be here with these wonderful kids ¨´serving´´. I say ´´serving´´ because as always they bless and serve me more than I could ever give back. My first week I spent most of my time in Santa maria, one of the larger institutions, getting to know the girls and reuniting with old friends. From braiding hair to making a fool of myself showing off my ´´dance moves´´ every second with these precious people is a gift. I have been able to spend a lot of time with my godsister Heidy and have some much needed sister time and conversation, it has been a big relief for the Profesores to have a fellow peer the girls can confide in and be positivly enfluanced by.

My first English lesson was very nerve wrecking for me, first of all because, as I tell my Colombian mom, I have never taught anyone anything in my life, and also cause my limited spanish makes teaching english difficult, but thankfully the girls are always patient with me and love to learn anything they can. One of my high lights here is that I was reunited with a friend from the vacation host program last summer Louisa. I didnt have the slightest idea that when I walked into San Miguelito (a smaller institution for babies and pregnant mothers) that I would be greeted by one of my best friends whom I had lost contact with a couple months ago, the joy I felt and still feel everytime I visit is unexplainable. I am constantly reminded every day of the words No Orphans Of God, this statment is so true, the more time I spend with these girls the more I fall in love with each and every one of them, and if I a sinful being have such love in my heart for them how much more does their Holy Heavenly Father love them, I cannot but be humbled and blessed to be allowed to live here and love on these amazing people.

’cause Lord with You…… there’s nothing I cannot do….

Your friend!
