Bogota June 2011 Day 2

We had a little extra rest last night, which was wonderful. This morning, as was the case yesterday morning, we had no hot water in our cabin. The water heater was on high and burning but somehow no hot water. After an ice cold shower I was smiling to the Lord and I thought, “Father, was that cold shower to remind me that these children take an ice cold shower every day at 6:00 a.m.? Where you helping me to live incarnationally for a moment?” After breakfast my friend and roommate on this trip, Tracy, came up to me and said, “I was grateful for that cold shower this morning because it humbles me and makes me glad for what I have.” I told him about my musing to the Lord and he stared at me in disbelief. He hadn’t known that there is no hot water or heat in the orphanages and nights in Bogota get down in the 40’s at night all year around. He said, “Now I’m really glad for that cold shower this morning!”

In our devotional this morning we talked about Jesus the Orphan, or more accurately, Jesus the fatherless. Jesus came to earth not as a conqueror but as the child of a single teenage mother. I took some time this morning to look at Joseph who adopted Jesus. Imagine this Jewish man betrothed to a lovely young Jewish maiden and then he finds out that she is with child. What a shock! God speaks to him in a dream and he instantly obeys. He takes Mary as his wife, thereby adopting her soon to be born child, and becomes protector and provider for the infant Godman! Amazing! I’ve always pondered the thought that the angel came to Mary and God spoke to Joseph in a dream, but the angel didn’t go to the rest of the family or the town that we know of. Joseph took on a lot when he obeyed the voice of the Lord. Imagine the looks, the comments, etc. Then they have to travel to Bethlehem and the baby is born. Two years later in another dream Joseph is told to take the young child and his mother and flee to Egypt. Then later they return. The point is that Joseph literally laid down his life, his dreams, his plans to provide and protect a fatherless (as far as the world knew) child and Jesus asks us to do the same.

Dr. Moore asks an astonishing question. “When James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. is it possible that he was thinking of the example set by his father, Joseph, in adopting Jesus? Fascinating! Joseph’s story reminded me of another hero from history who spent her life loving, protecting, and caring for Jesus through the poor that she met in the streets of Calcutta… Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa believed strongly in Matthew 25:40 ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ She used to say, “We are ministering for Jesus, with Jesus, and to Jesus” She was also famous for saying, “The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the unloved, they are Jesus in disguise.” At her death she had been influential in establishing 610 missions in 123 countries.

Every good deed done for God’s glory… even a cup of cold water turns into worship of Jesus

Like Joseph, and Mother Teresa, God is asking us to love His Son through these little ones today. We get to go out there today and live the life of these heroes…

We arrived at the orphanage and our little friends from yesterday were so happy to see us. There were 180 girls here today. We were directed immediately to the lunch hall because due to the influence of our ministry here they have started a Saturday morning worship service every week. Pastor Lucas from La Libertad Church in Bogota and his wife and teen daughter led the worship and then Pastor Lucas preached from Psalm 148 on praise. It was beautiful. We spent most of the rest of the day playing with the children; we had an official tour of the facilities and heard many heart-rending stories of the work that is going on here. It was obvious that the team was having a great time, as were the girls.

I was blessed beyond words to get to hang out with and love on my Goddaughter as well as a slew of other sweet little girls. I love them so much. If God would let me I would take them all home and I have tried very hard to take at least two home to be mine but have not been able to overcome all of the legal hurdles. But God has repeatedly assured me that He wants us to help many more than just two and so for now we continue to pour our lives into promoting the need here and working to help these kids. Some of the little girls that kept a piece of my heart today were Marta, Marcela, Karen, Yecenia, Laurita, and of course Heidy. I had many wonderful conversations and was able to share about my hero, Jesus, with many of them.

Soon it was time to gather and sing and share the gospel with the children. First though we had a wonderful presentation by them. They gave each team member a hand made card with the inscription inside in English, “In the home Santa Maria of Fatima our dream are like a light more than the stars. Thank you for making our dreams possible!” Then they sang some beautiful songs and dances and at the end we all got to join in. It was very fun. Some of the team members threatened to put video of my dancing on facebook but I reminded them that, “What happens in Colombia, stays in Colombia!” Then Jair sang some wonderful songs of praise that he has written with his band Viraje. At the request of the director of the orphanage,

I came up and gave a short message to the girls about predators and the dangers of the sex trade here in Colombia. I told them that as often as I have been here and how much I love them and the fact that I have 4 daughters of my own that I felt it was my job to be their Daddy for a minute and warn them. Many of them go to school in the town nearby and then return to the orphanage at night. Recently 5 of the girls have been lured into the sex trade by evil men who wait to catch them on their way to and from school. I told the girls that Colombia is the second leading country in the western hemisphere in sex trafficking with over 35,000 girls sold each year. I warned them not to listen to men who promise them jobs, money, or a relationship. The directors were very happy because they said that the girls look forward to us coming for months and they will listen to us. Then my friend Mike got up and told a little about his very rough past and how Christ changed his life. It was very moving. Then Lilliana told the story of how an orphan, Hadassah, became queen and how God had a plan for every girl there. It was wonderful. Then we handed out a Bible and a Spanish/English dictionary to every girl.

Finally the time came for us to leave. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place as everyone said goodbye for the last time on this trip. There were lots of hugs and kisses. Many of the girls had made love notes for the team last night and they gave them out. We finally pulled away and got on the bus and as we drove away I could hear sobs all over the bus. As Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, used to say, “God has broken our hearts with the things that break His heart.”