Birthday Party for a little boy


All week I have wanted have a  intimacy with Jesus that goes beyond the relationship I already have. I want to extend the same compassion and understanding to people He did. I want to love like He did and feel the pain He feel when He see His precious bride living on Skid Row and sleeping on the floor because they don’t have a bed. I want so desperately to show Jesus love in the dark places of LA but how can I when I don’t understand that love and don’t have that love in my heart. I want to see people the way Jesus does and not as the world does. I want to see a woman on Skid Row as my sister and not as a dirty person no one wants to touch. I have been meditating on a verse in Psalms sixty-three, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”  I want that kind of desire for God that you feel like you will die if you can’t get more of Him. I have just one story to tell about from this week. On Wednesday afternoon we had nothing to do with our track, so Mindy asked if we could try to get a bed to give to one of her kids at her site that she found out on Saturday was sleeping on the floor. So we got a bed and some hygiene items to give the family. As we were getting loaded up in the van to drive out to Jordan Down Mindy said that it was also Gabriel’s birthday on the nineteenth. So Jonathan bought a birthday cake to give Gabriel as well. It was the best thing ever to see Gabriel come in from school and have a birthday cake and bed waiting for him. God is so good to me! Please continue to pray for me to have to strength and support to walk out this awesome year head of me.