A Beautiful Week In Nickerson!


Monday Vicky my roommate and I spent all day getting ready for our new roommate Cat. We were given a new bunk bed and new mattress because of the bedbugs, which are gone for good Thank God. Cat moved in on Tuesday afternoon and is a very sweet girl. Tuesday instead of going canvassing with our track I went out with the food truck to Nickerson  my site because Cassie the head of the food truck ministry is having trouble with people from Nickerson becoming violent because they think we are being partial to certain  people. She wanted me to going with her to see if I know anyone form Nickerson that could help in organizing everyone in a line and making sure no one jumped in line. I didn’t know anyone in the line but I think we were able to help reassure the people that we are working at giving everyone as much food as possible. Wednesday and Thursday we spent canvassing and preparing for a live concert and recording of Kevin Lavar’s new CD He performed Friday night at the church. The cool thing is we canvassed on Wednesday at Nickerson and Imperial so I was in Nickerson almost everyday this week with picking up for church and on Friday night for the concert. The Concert was beautiful and my kids loved it! Kevin Lavar has a amazing voice and he gave all of the kids that came on the bussing a gift card. He also paid for all of the busses himself.

Saturday Jonathan at the rally gave out the Adopt a Block yearly awards. It was really cool to see everyone so shocked that they were chosen for the awards. My team and I had so much fun at Adopt a Block. We were able to meet a lot of new people and start to build a great friendship with them. After Adopt a Block I was asked to go out to lunch with a out reach pastor and his staff that come down to see how we do Adopt a Block every week. So we went to lunch and I explained as much as I could all about how Adopt a Block works and everything we do through out the week that makes Saturdays a lot more effective. Sunday after church I went hiking with Courtney up to Griffin park so she could see the observatory and the great view of the city. Monday I had the day off so I went to San Monica and just sat on the beach. I enjoyed having some time all by myself. The beach was so beautiful and I really needed some sun.